Via dei Banchi Nuovi: a walk through art and history

A street full of art and history, a stone's throw from the Vatican, where many made their fortune and which is today a jewel of the Eternal City...

We are in the heart of Rome, in Via dei Banchi Nuovi, the ancient Via Papalis, so called because it was historically traveled by papal processions - also and above all on the occasion of the sumptuous cavalcade that took place for the "possession" by the new pontiff elected. The characteristic ride started from the residence in the Vatican until arriving at the basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, which was the papal seat at the time.
The name "Banchi", however, extended to the area which also includes via del Banco di Santo Spirito and via dei Banchi Vecchi, refers, precisely, to the stalls where shopkeepers, bankers (mainly Florentine and Sienese), notaries and merchants carried out their business, taking advantage of the proximity of the Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica. Via dei Banchi Nuovi winds and runs parallel to the Banchi Vecchi, the street with the most tradition, and then culminates in Piazza dell'Orologio, where the splendid tower by Borromini stands out.

The history of this street, perfect for a Roman walk, has experienced alternating phases: in 1700, increasingly elegant elements were added to the architecture, which largely involved elements in wood, papier-mâché, cardboard and other materials that decorated the facades of the buildings - all often by excellent architects and artists. In 1800, however, the ritual found itself emptied of its connotations of pomp and was radically simplified, becoming a route to be completed quickly, no longer on horseback but in a carriage.
In all these years, however, Via dei Banchi Nuovi, as well as the surrounding area, has undoubtedly represented the cultural and financial center of Rome, and can rightly be considered today among the most evocative neighborhoods of the city..
It is characterized by the coexistence of very different architectural elements, which make it wonderful of its kind:
- medieval aspects, today preserved above all in the houses of the surrounding alleys;
- Renaissance specificities, highlighted in palaces and buildings;
- baroque features, present in sacred aedicules, monuments and churches.

It is unique: it is no coincidence that Via dei Banchi Nuovi has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1980. A truly magical place in Rome, which still offers many interesting views. Via dei Banchi Nuovi is also famous because it is historically rich in antique galleries, modern and contemporary art galleries and restoration and artistic crafts shops. Even today it is possible to get lost among the ateliers of jewelery designers, antique shops, mosaic artists and craft shops. It is here that tourists can fall in love with art and made in Italy, discovering new talents and their creations. Via dei Banchi Nuovi is, however, also a place loved by Romans and art enthusiasts, who want to carve out moments of discovery among shops and workshops.

With 4L Collection Hotels you can discover more about this neighborhood also through dedicated workshops:

- Jewelery design and traditional goldsmithing workshops | Patrizia Corvaglia, Hand Made Jewels and Art
Inside the prestigious and ancient workshop of Benvenuto Cellini where the artist created his works in 1534, you will be able to experience the creation of metal jewellery, through various workshops on jewel design.
In particular:
- Creative jewelery workshop
The creative workshop involves the creation of a personalized ring, which will remain with the participant as a souvenir of the experience.
- Jewelery information workshop
The workshop includes the explanation of the lost wax micro-sculpture processing technique.

- Mosaic Workshop | Fabio Bordi, Ancient Mosaics Laboratory
Fabio Bordi's Ancient Mosaics Laboratory specializes in the reproduction of traditional ornamental motifs of ancient mosaic art. The works created range from the reproduction of large wall and floor mosaics with the typical decorations of Greek-Roman mosaic art (rose windows, geometric figures, black and white, etc.) to the creation of mosaic paintings and furnishing accessories to embellish the home.
The workshop represents a basic introduction to mosaic art with practical demonstration and creation of a traditional decoration.

- Galleria Sinopia
In the heart of Rome, the exhibition space of the Sinopia Gallery deals with antique furniture and contemporary art objects. It will be possible, upon reservation, to participate in ongoing exhibitions, meet the artists on site as well as visit artists' and restorers' studios. To conclude, decoration workshops are also organized here - such as fake marble and trompe - l'oeil.


4L Collection Hotels RomeVia dei Banchi Nuovi RomeVia PapalisUNESCO heritageWorkshopPatrizia CorvagliaFabio BordiGalleria Sinopia

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